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1、洗浴休闲会所 西安


洗浴休闲会所 西安

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第1张

DIKENI作为国内顶尖的高级商务男装品牌,一直着力体现优雅、乐观、与众不同等当代男士着装精神。首家DIKENI VIP 会所体验店位于西安5A级风景区大雁塔大唐不夜城,客制以散客为辅,VIP会员为主。通过实地市场调研分析,我们发现传统商业空间的VIP区域通常与卖场完全隔离,顾客与大部分产品难以产生互动。“亲子”、“沙发区”、“水吧”等功能呈“点式”散落在空间中,体验感不强,难以承载各种活动的举办。

As one of the top business menswear brands in China, DIKENI has always focused on presenting the spirits of elegance, optimism and uniqueness of contemporary menswear. The first DIKENI VIP clubstore is based in the Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-bright City inthe 5ABig Wild Goose Pagoda Scenic Area in Xi‘an. The main customers are VIP members, supplemented by casual visitors. We found the VIP area is usually completely isolated in most traditional commercial spaces, making it difficult for customers to interact with most products. The function areas such as parent-child area, sofa area and bars are scattered, therefore, customers cannot have a one-stop experience and it’s hard to conduct various events in such places.

弹性空间、开放式格局、跨域合作、社交体验 = 新零售空间形态

Flexible space, open structure, cross-domain cooperation, social experience = new retail space form

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第2张

首家 DIKENI VIP 会所体验店,打开le传统商业空间的硬性隔离,以开放通透的空间格局,开创环绕以“服务”“社交体验”为中心的新零售商业空间形态。除了传统卖场空间,本案空间还配置以“可对外”“可对内”的咖啡水吧,室内与户外联通的外摆区、跨域合作的综合零售区、duō功能环形T台、活动举办区、高级定制区等功能分区。设计动线以研究“散客”、“会员”等不同性质消费群体的行为形态为出发点,以地台、道具等轻体量设计手法分割主次售卖与会员体验区,以空间布局优化服务流程,以VIP服务为zhōng心与产品陈列相互渗透相róng。

The first DIKENI VIP clubstore broke the rigid isolation of traditional commercial spaces and created a new retail business space form centered around “service” and “social experience” through an open and transparent space form. In addition to the traditional department store zone, the space is equipped with functional zones such as a coffee bar that welcomes both internal and external guests, outdoor display area that connects indoor and outdoor spaces, integrated retail area for cross-domain cooperation, annular multi-functional T-stage, event-hosting area, and a tailor-made area. The space circulation is based on the study of behavioral patterns of different types of consumer groups such as “casual visitors” and “ VIP members”. The primary and secondary sales zone and vip zone are separated by light-volume design methods such as platforms and props. The service flow is optimized by spatial layout. The VIP service is compatible with products display and supplement with each other.

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第3张


The glass curtain wall can be completely opened for brand promotion, marketing activities, pop-up stores and press conferences, etc., blurring the distinction between indoor and outdoor spaces. The glass curtain wall ensures great day lighting and provides a view of the natural landscape where the store is located, thus reducing decoration, highlighting products and the space itself, and implementing the world theme of “low carbon”.

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第4张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第5张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第6张


The lounge area can satisfy the social needs of consumers. “Shopping will be the only social activity of human beings,” Rem Koolhaas once predicted.Represented by high-end business brands, offline retail space has been transformed into an important social space that online retailing cannot replace.

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第7张

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西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第9张


A variety of events such as new product launches, runway catwalks, and dressing courses can be held in the circular VIP area.By introducing cross-domain goods, the space gets rid of the “stereotyped” and “simplex” space and format of traditional business menswear brands. The electronic and technological products, cultural and creative goods designed by various artists and designers meet the “lifestyle” consuming demand of contemporary elite businessmen from multi aspects.

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第10张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第11张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第12张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第13张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第14张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第15张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第16张


Neutral colors highlights the products better, VI blue of the brand, directly suggests areas such as customization zone and fitting rooms. Customers can customize the accessories and enjoy a “closet organizing” service at home.

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西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第19张


Marble, rose-gold stainless steel and other materials are adopted in the subtle details of the space and props to create nice visual texture. Metal plate coded by Grass-hopperto enrich the space in details. Videos like brand catwalk are displayed on LED screen, naturally integrates technology, environmental protection, fashion and “new retail” commercial system.

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第20张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第21张

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第22张

“不仅是衣服而是某种生活方式",首家 DIKENI VIP 会所体验店是一次集“商业策略”、“空间设计”、“用户体验”结合一体的弹性空间实验。

As it goes, “Not just clothes but a lifestyle”, the first DIKENI VIP club experience store is an elastic space experiment that combines “business strategy”, “space design” and “consumer experience”.

西安夜店排名?洗浴休闲会所?「洗浴休闲会所西安dikenivip会所体验店排名」  第23张



设计方:ISENSE DESIGN吾觉空间设计、竹工凡木

项目设计 & 完成年份:2018年












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